Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I can not believe it has been almost a year since I have posted.  To be honest I had a lot going on last year that was not candle related.  In January my husband was diagnosed with colon cancer, had surgery, went through treatment.  In August a cat scan showed three tumors on his liver so started a new treatment in September.  In October he started having problems that did not improve and on November 28th he passed away.

My world turned upside down.  After almost 48 married years, though our love started couple years before we were married, I had to learn a totally new way of living which has not been easy.  I closed my shop the first of November and reopened in March.  Now I am not telling you this to feel sorry for me!  This is life and at some point in time whether we are male or female we will loose our spouse.  At least we had more that 50 years together.

We (our small town) have just had a young couple with two young children to loose their father and husband to cancer and that is really sad.  He was only 39.

That is not what this post is about really.  I am back to making candles, I tell my friends it is better than cleaning house all the time!!  I just wanted you who do see my blog to know that I am back.  I have been really busy so far with my faithful customers that wanted me to let them know when I did start back.  I am so thankful for them.

I have also started discontinuing some of my fragrance oils that were not popular.  I have learned that I may love them but if they are not my customers favorites it is time to let them go!  I have started testing some new "Types" I call them.  I read in a magazine I get that the more herbal, garden type scents were supposed to be the "thing" this year.  I probably have between 40-50 new scents I have started testing.  Several of them have made it to my website.  There are some just from smelling them out of the bottle - which is not how you are supposed to test them but that is the way I do - that will not make it.

I did add several through out the year last year and this month I have added several.  On my home page you can see a list of most of the oils I ordered to test and the ones with ** side of their names are the ones I added to my website this week.  If you would like to check them out this is the link:

I have one customer that loves chunk pillars and another that loves rustic pillars so I will post a picture of them for you to see, love making chunks and rustics because you never know quite how they will turn out.  I am also testing two new containers/jars that I really love.  They are very large and the cost may be higher than I want to charge but I think I can get the smaller ones.  I really think they are pretty and will be very different.

These are all taken in my shop while working and you can't keep a candle making shop clean!! Thank you if you made it through all my rambling.  Hope to see you on my Face Book Group page and hear your comments!  https://www.facebook.com/groups/rubyrosecandles/   I also have a business page I will share with you.  I try to have the same info on both but group page is public so everyone is free to post.  https://www.facebook.com/rubyrosecandles/

Hope everyone is enjoying spring!

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